How to Make Money – Banking & Insurance – Part I

Royal Exchange and The Bank of England

From How to Make Money; and How to Keep it, Or, Capital and Labor  based on the works of Thomas A. Davies Revised & Rewritten with Additions by Henry A. Ford A.M. – 1884


I wish I could write all across the sky, in letters of gold, the one word, SAVINGS-BANK. Rev Wm. Marsh

The relations of the banking system to the operations of general trade are so intimate and indispensable  that every man of business should be acquainted with their nature and extent. James D. Mills

Insurance is to-day recognized as not only an integral and necessary factor in the commerce of nations, but it is imperatively demanded for the establishment and maintenance of commercial credit among all civilized peoples. To such importance has it grown that governments have acquired immense revenues by taxing the income derived from it, and have in some instances assume greater or less control over it. Insurance Year Book

BANKS are of three kinds -of discount and deposit, individual or private, and savings-banks. They have all but one object—to make money with money. This principle is all-important with the money-maker; and to know how this is done is to accomplish a great object.  This chapter will not presue to give such institutions or individuals any information how it is to be done; for their success generally is a proof that they understand that. Further, it is an occupation—that may me considered a trade within itself— requiring long experience, large knowledge of values, good judgment, rare firmness, and in fact every business qualification in high perfection. Reference to banking as one of the most extensive means of making money with money, is simply to show the moneymaker, after he has got his dollar, how others manage their dollars to advantage, so that he may know the danger of managing his own with his trifling information—a subject which requires superior knowledge and high acquirements to do well.

No statistics are at hand to compare directly any other trade or business with banking in the particular of success. An interesting fact, however, was asserted by an officer of an old Boston bank, that an investigation of their books revealed the fact that, of the one thousand accounts opened with it in starting, only six remained with it forty years afterwards. The parties to all the others had either failed or died destitute of property. The bank had stood, while nine hundred and ninety-four traders out of one thousand had gone down. It can probably be asserted with safety that not five per cent of failures occur in any regular banking business, while there are ninety to ninety-five per cent among commercial houses. Both deal substantially in the same things, the one class in the articles themselves, the other in the paper representing their value. This fact is sufficient to awaken the mind of the merchant or trader to an investigation of the manner in which banks handle their values—what they do, how and when they do it, and how they happen to succeed when so many others lose and fail. And now, Mr. Trader, or Sir Merchant, if you are wide awake enough to this fact to push the investigation and profit by it, you are prepared for a better day’s work than you ever did in your life. But more likely you will say, “Pooh! a bank is one thing, a mercantile business another.”  You say the truth, indeed, as both are conducted at the present day. The result, however, is that the one is a success, while the other is a failure.

But not the trader alone is interested in this question: it is for every one who has made a dollar or who is in the way of making it, to be interested in knowing the machinery of banking, how money is made from money, and further, to know that it requires machinery of a peculiarly delicate nature, and specially well managed, to accomplish the object, at least in this particular way of making money with money. More than half the people who have labored for their dollar do not know that such machinery can have the least bearing upon what they have made, and that putting it through this machine, or some process like it, will send it forth increased in value. The trouble is that they generally put it into some kind of a machine which never allows them to see it again at all, much less any increase from it.

Can the fine, exact machinery of a mint be made by a novice? or can it be managed by one totally ignorant of its construction’? Just as well might a man attempt to increase his means without some knowledge of the necessary machinery, as to coin a standard dollar without knowing the process by which it is coined, and having the faculty to use bis knowledge in the coinage. The trade of multiplying dollars by making dollars work is not caught up in the inspiration of the moment, and he who has a dollar to set at work must know well how the work is to be done; he must find a machine that is known to do this kind of work well, or loss of it is the inevitable result. Hence the long, sad list of failures and wide-spread poverty among our most worthy and energetic men—not to accomplish or earn, or even to amass, but to save, because their dollar has gone into the wrong machine.

The process of banking is the machinery required in order to make money with money. What is this process? In banks of discount and deposit, a number of capitalists generally put in a sum of money apiece, and receive therefor certificates of stock, according to the amount of their subscriptions. The stockholders duly assemble and choose several of their own number for directors, who in turn meet and elect a president, cashier, and sometimes other officers. In their bank people leave (deposit) their money for safekeeping within convenient reach; and the original money subscribed by the stockholders, with the deposits, makes a capital with which to purchase moneyed, interest-bearing securities—generally notes of hand, representing property of different kinds. The  bank is then ready for business—to loan the money on short dates for an increase.

The whole matter is very simple to this point, and almost anyone could go through it. But now comes the tug of war, for success or failure, even in this business. A merchant enters with a note he has taken for goods sold, and says to the Cashier, “I wish you would give me the money on this.” The answer is, “I will hand it to the President, and give you a reply after the Board meets.” The President lays the applicant’s paper before the Board of Directors; and if it is strongly endorsed and has collateral security enough to make the loan perfectly safe, the note is “done,” as it is called, and the merchant gets his money.

Do you see anything in this process to attract attention? When you take a note, or part with property or money, do yon do anything of this kind? Do you submit your financial transactions for the approval or rejection of two shrewd, trained business men, who, not content to rely solely upon their own
judgment, summon to their aid a number of other first-class business men, to pass upon the security offered? Bear in mind that in the very first instance they require at least two good, strong names to start with, or equally safe collateral security, and then that the line of payment is usually very short— from thirty to ninety days. Sometimes a bank loses even with these precautions ; but not very often. By requiring two names and making the time of payment short, one or the other is pretty certain to save the loan. No business transaction has not some risk, the main thing being to reduce that risk by every devisable precaution as low as possible. In the matter of taking a note, twelve to fourteen able and longtrained business men carefully consult as to the value of the security proposed, and everyone is pecuniarily interested in the result. An isolated person, then, who has a security to take, can consult no one else who has a like intercst with him. Such investments are generally made upon reference to persons who have no interest with the one who parts with his property, but whose interest as a general rule is to have you part with your property, that they may get pay for the property with which they have parted.

Now, do you think a bank would part with its money on such terms or such representations? If it did, anyone knows what would be the result. Do you wonder, then, that on such a system of credits traders fail, or that banks succeed by such care, caution, and scrutinizing discrimination? The banks divide their earnnings periodically among the stockholders, who make new investments in similar kind; while the trader declares no dividend, puts nothing away to the good, but keeps all his eggs in one basket, subject to the vicissitudes of trade.

Banks of discount and deposit are useful, as a means  of making money with money, to those who have com, comparatively large sums to set at work. But there is a class of moneyed institutions called savings-banks, in which any person can in like manner set any sum at work, from one dime upward. But the amount of profit derived is not generally so great as in the banks of discount and deposit. The savings-banks will receive separate treatment presently.

Although banks present so far the nearest approach to perfection in the interchange of values represented by paper, there are certain general principles that will materially increase these earnings. They may briefly
be stated to be,—

  • First, the business qualifications of its officers.
  • Second, judicious selection of its credit.
  • Third, the current expenses.
  • Fourth, general reputation.

The personal popularity of the officers of a bank, and the manner in which customers or depositors are treated, either win or lose money for the concern, the same general rules of courtesy holding in these cases as in transactions between merchants, or between them and their customers. No thoughtful business man will neglect this principle, whether he is in a bank or any other business where his profits depend upon people who have a choice, and can take their money at discretion to one or to another. If a depositor goes into a bank to get some of his money, and a teller makes him wait while he finishes a long chat with a fellow-clerk or adds up a column of figures as long as his arm, which he could just as well postpone a moment, the underling is unfit for his place and is a damage to the bank—money actually lost to it. Say what you will, the waiting man feels uncomfortable; and instead of using his influence to advance the interests of that institution, he will hold it back, if he does not inflict damage in some way. Instead of an active friend, the bank will have but a cool one, if not an open enemy; and there is no telling when his influence, by a single word, may not strike to its damage or loss. So any other carelessness or neglect, on the part of a bank officer or employee, will tend to the same result.

On the other hand, to be polite, attentive, agreeable to all, at the same time doing business on business principles, will bring many dollars into the deposit-line, and long keep them there. The bank will make powerful friends, whose influence will be exerted to bring it new business and open new avenues of profit. An interest in the welfare and prosperity of the institution is lighted up, that will serve as a watchfire for its interests, and give the alarm when danger of loss appears. A general reputation and thrift will be infused into its whole business, which will roll in heavily on the deposit-line and out heavily on the dividends. In time of trouble all will pay such an institution who can.

Savings-banks are organized and conducted by persons of much practical knowledge and financial skill, for the benefit of those who desire to save and improve small sums of money, but do not know where or how to place them at interest, and yet have them subject to their call. The savings-bank was started by Miss Priscilla Wakeham, of the Parish of Tottenham, Middlesex, England, nearly a century ago, and after some years had a yery rapid growth. The plan is eminently useful and truly charitable. It requires a convenient building for its business, and the usual officers to conduct it. They take deposits, large or small, and invest them in good-sized sums at higher rates of interest than they pay depositors, the difference being used for current expenses and salaries. The interest received is usually seven per cent or more, and that paid depositors is four to five per cent, and even less for very short periods of deposit.

The bank holds itself ready to meet obligations to depositors at all times, on demand. The advantage resulting to the depositor is apparent, since he can not invest small sums safely in any other way. He generally knows nothing of practical financiering, and it would be costly for him to get security by any other means. Other securities, too, are not always convertible into cash without some percentage of loss.

Too much can hardly be said in favor of savings institutions for the protection of earnings and as incentives to economy. They supply a safe and certain means by which in a few years, as we have already seen, an independence can be attained, and the money that represents it is always within reach. The money that a mechanic, day-laborer, domestic, operative, or other wage-worker, spends in trifles that add neither to his comfort nor happiness, is a powerful stream of wealth, which, if poured into a savings-bank, soon becomes a large amount of money. The first dollar thus saved and fast anchored, becomes the nucleus of further and rapid additions, and the taste for economy and desire of accumulation will grow with every successive deposit. Such a person becomes a conservative member of society, a good, prosperous citizen. When a man or woman has made the first deposit, from that moment his or her services are more valuable, and higher wages can be commanded. It is a guarantee or endorsement that the depositor’s course of life is to be governed by principles of economy and habits of saving, and that the property of an employer is not to be wasted or destroyed. Noon, then, should fail to make a first deposit, or to train himself to strict principles of economy, the cutting off of such expenses as are not really necessary for either comfort or respectability. It should be remembered, also, that such a course commands general respect and uplifts the depositor’s character. One feels more independent, and carries the evidence of it in his whole bearing and demeanor, when he is free of debt and has money at interest. If this statement should be challenged by anyone, let him try it, and  he will find, from the instant of success, that he lives in a new world. Any person, no matter what his walk in life, is more esteemed and more deferred to by his fellows if he is known to be without embarrassments or encumbrances, and has, money at his disposal. The same rule governs the coachman, the housemaid—classes of persons. Let it become known that an industrious young working man or woman has a bank account, with his bank-book as the evidence of it; and though the amount of his deposit be wholly unknown, the mere fact of it gives one importance and influence. There is no surer way for a young woman to get a husband, and most likely a good one, than to have a good sum in bank.

Upon the next two pages we give tables showing the wonderful results of compounding interest for terms of one year to one hundred years, and at rates from one to eight per cent. Upon the basis of the one dollar given, the amount for any sum may be computed. Thus, to find what $50 will come to in twenty years, at four per cent interest, find the result for one dollar in the table, which is $2.19, and multiply it by fifty, which gives $109.50. These tables are highly interesting and valuable, and should be carefully studied.



Under the head of Insurance are classed several varieties—among the more common fire, marine, inland, accident, and life, among the rarer tornado, livestock, and plate-glass insurance.  All belong to the class of business we are considering—money-making with money. They are further subdivided into cash and mutual companies, and are here considered more as examples how money can be made with money, and s0 of peculiar interest to the money-maker, than with a view to special commendation of them, as the most or the least profitable method of so doing. It is rather also to explain their existence as means of saving than of making.

Like banks, insurance companies are usually conducted by superior business men, and upon the same general principles. They have become genuine necessities to all who have property at the risk of the elements, and can not afford to insure themselves—that is, to lose without embarrassment. To the moneymaker they are invaluable, not only as a means of offset against loss, but to make accumulated money gain money. Sometimes the profits of such a business are very large—and at times, too, more frequently than in banking, there is a total loss of the capital invested. It may be said, indeed, that in all business where profits are large, corresponding risks of loss are run. In this branch the chances of gain are greater on marine than on fire insurance, other things being equal.

But the chief benefit of such institutions to the money-maker is that, if his property is in such shape that it can be destroyed by the elements, and it is so
destroyed, wholly or partly, he can cover his loss by the payment annually of a comparatively small sum. Every one, therefore, who is endeavoring to make
money should keep all his endangered property fully insured. An hour’s neglect may lose you many years of toil, as has repeatedly occurred. Take especial care when yon settle’ your agreements with the company’s agent; see that all stipulations are written into the body of the policy, and read it over when completed, with cautious criticism of every point and particular. Observe what you agree, and what they agree, to do. Probably not one-half the policies which are signed and accepted are read over in detail. People presume as of course that they are all right. So they may be; but enough unpleasant surprises and serious losses have resulted from this neglect to put you upon thorough watchfulness in the matter.

If, too, you do not know the officers of a company to be honest and reliable men, with a high standing as such in the community, let it alone; it will probably not pay you in case of loss, if it can get out of it. And if you hear of a company whose” adjuster” is forever chaffering, and screwing and sealing down a loss, and never paying fairly full amounts, especially when a poor man or woman has sustained the loss, have nothing to do with that company; its managers will deal with you so in your day of distress. They have been paid your premiums to pay your loss in full to the extent of your policy, and should do so as cheerfully as they have taken your money. Look more to these than to the capital of the company; but look well to both. Don’t trust your property in the hands of those whom you do not know, personally or by authentic reputation, “down to the ground.” Better pay a fair, reputable company—one that will take pains at once to find out what is your entire loss, and then pay it promptly—a large price at first, than have ten times the sum pared off by a rascally adjuster when your loss occurs. No company, it is true, will undertake this unless steeped in ignorance of its true interests; nor will it retain an official for one moment who tries to save dishonestly on a loss. They lose more by him in the end than do the insured. It is the style in which losses are settled that mainly draws business or repels it. No one forgets the company or the man who does the dishonest thing under such painful circumstances, or the one who deals fairly and uprightly with the misfortune.

The insured may be called upon to take the company’s promise-to-pay for a large amount. Ask yourself, then, Would a bank take their note for this sum, and pay the face of it? Following fully the bank example, you would have to inquire of twelve or fourteen good business men whether they would do so, and trust the company if they would, taking your insurance accordingly.

But on the other hand, the company may be, and often is, subject to fraud by the insured. It is for its interest never to presume fraud without positive proof, at least such proof as would convince a jury. It may better pay, and look next time more carefully to the policy-holder’s character. More money will be made in the long-run by this course. For its own interest, too, there should be no long delay or palaver about the payment of a loss, unless it is intended to contest the case in the courts. A compromise will lose the company more than the sum apparently saved, since one-half of those who hear of it will take for granted that it was an unjust settlement.

The same exercise of civility and pleasant manners, and of interest in the insured, that was recommended to bank officers and employees, is necessary also in the insurance business. All courtesies tell to the profit of the company, the enlargement of its dividends; and in general there is no business in which sound judgments, honest purposes, good reputation, and a fair policy, are rewarded with more promptness and fullness than in this.


Top of Pg.

Highlander Bible

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Protecting Rare Books: How to Build a Silverfish Trap

Silverfish damage to book – photo by Micha L. Rieser

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Fresh Water Angling – The Two Crappies


July 2, 1898 Forest and Stream,

Fresh-Water Angling. No. IX.—The Two Crappies. BY FRED MATHER.

Fishing In Tree Tops.

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Reprint from the Royal Collection Trust Website

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Jujitsu training 1920 in Japanese agricultural school.



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Stoke Park Pavillions


Stoke Park Pavilions, UK, view from A405 Road. photo by Wikipedia user Cj1340


From Wikipedia:

Stoke Park – the original house

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Mudlark Regulations in the U.K.

Mudlarks of London

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According to the Port of London website, two type of permits are issued for those wishing to conduct metal detecting, digging, or searching activities.

Standard – allows digging to a depth of 7.5 [...] Read more →

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Vishnu as the Cosmic Man (Vishvarupa) Opaque watercolour on paper – Jaipur, Rajasthan c. 1800-50



By Swami Panchadasi

Copyright, 1916

By Advanced Thought Pub. Co. Chicago, Il


In preparing this series of lessons for students of [...] Read more →

King William III on Horseback by Sir Godfrey Kneller

Reprint from The Royal Collection Trust website:

Kneller was born in Lubeck, studied with Rembrandt in Amsterdam and by 1676 was working in England as a fashionable portrait painter. He painted seven British monarchs (Charles II, James II, William III, Mary II, Anne, George I and George II), though his [...] Read more →

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Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan The Federal Reserve’s semiannual monetary policy report Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate February 26, 1997

Iappreciate the opportunity to appear before this Committee [...] Read more →

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The Clermont Club

Reprint from London Bisnow/UK

At £23M, its sale is not the biggest property deal in the world. But the Clermont Club casino in Berkeley Square in London could lay claim to being the most significant address in modern finance — it is where the concept of what is today [...] Read more →

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Saint Francis of Assisi, founder of the mendicant Order of Friars Minor, as painted by El Greco.

Catholic religious order

Catholic religious orders are one of two types of religious institutes (‘Religious Institutes’, cf. canons 573–746), the major form of consecrated life in the Roman Catholic Church. They are organizations of laity [...] Read more →

Mocking Bird Food

Mocking Bird Food.

Hemp seed……….2 pounds Rape seed………. .1 pound Crackers………….1 pound Rice…………….1/4 pound Corn meal………1/4 pound Lard oil…………1/4 pound


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“I say with emphasis and without qualification that I have been unable to find anything in jujitsu which is not known to Western wrestling. So far as I can see, [...] Read more →

Preserving Iron and Steel Surfaces with Paint

Painting the Brooklyn Bridge, Photo by Eugene de Salignac , 1914


Excerpt from: The Preservation of Iron and Steel Structures by F. Cosby-Jones, The Mechanical Engineer January 30, 1914


This is the method of protection against corrosion that has the most extensive use, owing to the fact that [...] Read more →

Target Practice

Nov. 12, 1898 Forest and Stream Pg. 396

The Veterans to the Front.

Ironton. O., Oct. 28.—Editor Forest and Stream: I mail you a target made here today by Messrs. E. Lawton, G. Rogers and R. S. Dupuy. Mr. Dupuy is seventy-four years old, Mr. Lawton seventy-two. Mr. Rogers [...] Read more →

JP Morgan’s Digital Currency Patent Application

J.P. Morgan Patent #8,452,703

Method and system for processing internet payments using the electronic funds transfer network.


Embodiments of the invention include a method and system for conducting financial transactions over a payment network. The method may include associating a payment address of an account [...] Read more →

The Basics of Painting in the Building Trade

PAINTER-WORK, in the building trade. When work is painted one or both of two distinct ends is achieved, namely the preservation and the coloration of the material painted. The compounds used for painting—taking the word as meaning a thin protective or decorative coat—are very numerous, including oil-paint of many kinds, distemper, whitewash, [...] Read more →

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From Allen’s Indian Mail, December 3rd, 1851


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Proper Wines to Serve with Food

Foie gras with Sauternes, Photo by Laurent Espitallier

As an Appetizer

Pale dry Sherry, with or without bitters, chilled or not. Plain or mixed Vermouth, with or without bitters. A dry cocktail.

With Oysters, Clams or Caviar

A dry flinty wine such as Chablis, Moselle, Champagne. Home Top of [...] Read more →

The First Greek Book by John Williams White

Click here to read The First Greek Book by John Williams White

The First Greek Book - 15.7MB



The death, on May 9, of John Williams White, professor of Greek in Harvard University, touches a large number of classical [...] Read more →

Chinese Duck Cooking – A Few Recipes

Chen Lin, Water fowl, in Cahill, James. Ge jiang shan se (Hills Beyond a River: Chinese Painting of the Yuan Dynasty, 1279-1368, Taiwan edition). Taipei: Shitou chubanshe fen youxian gongsi, 1994. pl. 4:13, p. 180. Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei. scroll, light colors on paper, 35.7 x 47.5 cm


Chronological Catalog of Recorded Lunar Events

In July of 1968, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA), published NASA Technical Report TR R-277 titled Chronological Catalog of Recorded Lunar Events.

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Feature: Region of Calippus2 Description: Starlike appearance on dark side Observer: Observers at Worms Reference: [...] Read more →

The First Christian Man Cremated in America

Laurens’ portrait as painted during his time spent imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he was kept for over a year after being captured at sea while serving as the United States minister to the Netherlands during the Revolutionary War.

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A Summer Memory


Here, where these low lush meadows lie, We wandered in the summer weather, When earth and air and arching sky, Blazed grandly, goldenly together.

And oft, in that same summertime, We sought and roamed these self-same meadows, When evening brought the curfew chime, And peopled field and fold with shadows.

I mind me [...] Read more →

Banana Propagation

Banana Propagation

Reprinted from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (

The traditional means of obtaining banana planting material (“seed”) is to acquire suckers from one’s own banana garden, from a neighbor, or from a more distant source. This method served to spread common varieties around the world and to multiply them [...] Read more →

Gold and Economic Freedom

by Alan Greenspan, 1967

An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which unites statists of all persuasions. They seem to sense-perhaps more clearly and subtly than many consistent defenders of laissez-faire — that gold and economic freedom are inseparable, that the gold standard is an instrument [...] Read more →

Glimpses from the Chase

From Fores’s Sporting Notes and Sketches, A Quarterly Magazine Descriptive of British, Indian, Colonial, and Foreign Sport with Thirty Two Full Page Illustrations Volume 10 1893, London; Mssrs. Fores Piccadilly W. 1893, All Rights Reserved.

GLIMPSES OF THE CHASE, Ireland a Hundred Years Ago. By ‘Triviator.’

FOX-HUNTING has, like Racing, [...] Read more →

The Late Rev. H.M. Scarth

H. M. Scarth, Rector of Wrington

By the death of Mr. Scarth on the 5th of April, at Tangier, where he had gone for his health’s sake, the familiar form of an old and much valued Member of the Institute has passed away. Harry Mengden Scarth was bron at Staindrop in Durham, [...] Read more →

King Arthur Legends, Myths, and Maidens

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English Fig Wine

Take the large blue figs when pretty ripe, and steep them in white wine, having made some slits in them, that they may swell and gather in the substance of the wine.

Then slice some other figs and let them simmer over a fire in water until they are reduced [...] Read more →

The First Pineapple Grown in England

First Pineapple Grown in England

Click here to read an excellent article on the history of pineapple growing in the UK.

Should one be interested in serious mass scale production, click here for scientific resources.

Growing pineapples in the UK.

The video below demonstrates how to grow pineapples in Florida.

[...] Read more →

Guaranteed 6% Dividend for Life. Any takers?

Any prudent investor would jump at the chance to receive a guaranteed 6% dividend for life. So how does one get in on this action?

The fact of the matter is…YOU can’t…That is unless you are a shareholder of one of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks and the banks under [...] Read more →

British Craftsmanship is Alive and Well

The Queen Elizabeth Trust, or QEST, is an organisation dedicated to the promotion of British craftsmanship through the funding of scholarships and educational endeavours to include apprenticeships, trade schools, and traditional university classwork. The work of QEST is instrumental in keeping alive age old arts and crafts such as masonry, glassblowing, shoemaking, [...] Read more →

Pickled Eels

Vintage woodcut illustration of a Eel


This dish is a favorite in Northern Europe, from the British Isles to Sweden.

Clean and skin the eels and cut them into pieces about 3/4-inch thick. Wash and drain the pieces, then dredge in fine salt and allow to stand from 30 [...] Read more →

Vitruvius Ten Books on Architecture


The Ten Books on Architecture




Ought King Leopold to be Hanged?

King Leopold Butcher of the Congo

For the somewhat startling suggestion in the heading of this interview, the missionary interviewed is in no way responsible. The credit of it, or, if you like, the discredit, belongs entirely to the editor of the Review, who, without dogmatism, wishes to pose the question as [...] Read more →

Indian Modes of Hunting – Setting Fox Traps

Aug. 13, 1898 Forest and Stream, Pg. 125

Game Bag and Gun.

Indian Modes of Hunting. III.—Foxes.

The fox as a rule is a most wily animal, and numerous are the stories of his cunning toward the Indian hunter with his steel traps.

Cocktails and Canapés

From The How and When, An Authoritative reference reference guide to the origin, use and classification of the world’s choicest vintages and spirits by Hyman Gale and Gerald F. Marco. The Marco name is of a Chicago family that were involved in all aspects of the liquor business and ran Marco’s Bar [...] Read more →

Of Decorated Furniture

DECORATED or “sumptuous” furniture is not merely furniture that is expensive to buy, but that which has been elaborated with much thought, knowledge, and skill. Such furniture cannot be cheap, certainly, but the real cost of it is sometimes borne by the artist who produces rather than by the man who may [...] Read more →

Making Apple Cider Vinegar

The greatest cause of failure in vinegar making is carelessness on the part of the operator. Intelligent separation should be made of the process into its various steps from the beginning to end.


The apples should be clean and ripe. If not clean, undesirable fermentations [...] Read more →

Coffee & Cigarettes

Aw, the good old days, meet in the coffee shop with a few friends, click open the Zippo, inhale a glorious nosegay of lighter fluid, fresh roasted coffee and a Marlboro cigarette….

A Meta-analysis of Coffee Drinking, Cigarette Smoking, and the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

We conducted a [...] Read more →

Here’s Many a Year to You

” Here’s many a year to you ! Sportsmen who’ve ridden life straight. Here’s all good cheer to you ! Luck to you early and late.

Here’s to the best of you ! You with the blood and the nerve. Here’s to the rest of you ! What of a weak moment’s swerve ? [...] Read more →

AB Bookman’s 1948 Guide to Describing Conditions

AB Bookman’s 1948 Guide to Describing Conditions:

As New is self-explanatory. It means that the book is in the state that it should have been in when it left the publisher. This is the equivalent of Mint condition in numismatics. Fine (F or FN) is As New but allowing for the normal effects of [...] Read more →

King Lear

Edwin Austin Abbey. King Lear, Act I, Scene I (Cordelia’s Farewell) The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Dates: 1897-1898 Dimensions: Height: 137.8 cm (54.25 in.), Width: 323.2 cm (127.24 in.) Medium: Painting – oil on canvas

Home Top of Pg. Read more →

The Apparatus of the Stock Market


The components of any given market place include both physical structures set up to accommodate trading, and participants to include buyers, sellers, brokers, agents, barkers, pushers, auctioneers, agencies, and propaganda outlets, and banking or transaction exchange facilities.

Markets are generally set up by sellers as it is in their [...] Read more →

List of the 60 Franklin Library Signed Limited Editions

The following highly collectible Franklin Library Signed Editions were published between 1977 and 1982. They are all fully leather bound with beautiful covers and contain gorgeous and rich silk moire endpapers. Signatures are protected by unattached tissue inserts.

The values listed are average prices that were sought by [...] Read more →

Indian Modes of Hunting – Musquash

Hudson Bay: Trappers, 1892. N’Talking Musquash.’ Fur Trappers Of The Hudson’S Bay Company Talking By A Fire. Engraving After A Drawing By Frederic Remington, 1892.

Indian Modes of Hunting.


In Canada and the United States, the killing of the little animal known under the several names of [...] Read more →

Indian Mode of Hunting – Beaver

Jul. 30, 1898 Forest and Stream Pg. 87

Indian Mode of Hunting.


Wa-sa-Kejic came over to the post early one October, and said his boy had cut his foot, and that he had no one to steer his canoe on a proposed beaver hunt. Now [...] Read more →

Cleaning Watch Chains

To Clean Watch Chains.

Gold or silver watch chains can be cleaned with a very excellent result, no matter whether they may be matt or polished, by laying them for a few seconds in pure aqua ammonia; they are then rinsed in alcohol, and finally. shaken in clean sawdust, free from sand. [...] Read more →

Country Cabbage and Pea Soup

Add the following ingredients to a four or six quart crock pot, salt & pepper to taste keeping in mind that salt pork is just that, cover with water and cook on high till it boils, then cut back to low for four or five hours. A slow cooker works well, I [...] Read more →

What’s the Matter?

A rhetorical question? Genuine concern?

In this essay we are examining another form of matter otherwise known as national literary matters, the three most important of which being the Matter of Rome, Matter of France, and the Matter of England.

Our focus shall be on the Matter of England or [...] Read more →

Why Beauty Matters – Sir Roger Scruton

Roger Scruton – Why Beauty Matters (2009) from Mirza Akdeniz on Vimeo.

Click here for another site on which to view this video.

Sadly, Sir Roger Scruton passed away a few days ago—January 12th, 2020. Heaven has gained a great philosopher.

Home Top of [...] Read more →

The Master of Hounds

Photo Caption: The Marquis of Zetland, KC, PC – otherwise known as Lawrence Dundas Son of: John Charles Dundas and: Margaret Matilda Talbot born: Friday 16 August 1844 died: Monday 11 March 1929 at Aske Hall Occupation: M.P. for Richmond Viceroy of Ireland Vice Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire Lord – in – Waiting [...] Read more →

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika


Translated into English by PANCHAM SINH

Panini Office, Allahabad [1914]


There exists at present a good deal of misconception with regard to the practices of the Haṭha Yoga. People easily believe in the stories told by those who themselves [...] Read more →

Texas Tarpon

Early Texas photo of Tarpon catch – Not necessarily the one mentioned below…

July 2, 1898. Forest and Stream Pg.10

Texas Tarpon.

Tarpon, Texas.—Mr. W. B. Leach, of Palestine, Texas, caught at Aransas Pass Islet, on June 14, the largest tarpon on record here taken with rod and reel. The [...] Read more →

The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing

The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing Experimental Study and Review of the Literature

Steven L. Henry, MD, Matthew J. Concannon, MD, and Gloria J. Yee, MD Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Missouri Hospital & Clinics, Columbia, MO Published July 25, 2008

Objective: Magnets [...] Read more →

Historical Uses of Arsenic

The arsenicals (compounds which contain the heavy metal element arsenic, As) have a long history of use in man – with both benevolent and malevolent intent. The name ‘arsenic’ is derived from the Greek word ‘arsenikon’ which means ‘potent'”. As early as 2000 BC, arsenic trioxide, obtained from smelting copper, was used [...] Read more →

Antibiotic Properties of Jungle Soil

If ever it could be said that there is such a thing as miracle healing soil, Ivan Sanderson said it best in his 1965 book entitled Ivan Sanderson’s Book of Great Jungles.

Sanderson grew up with a natural inclination towards adventure and learning. He hailed from Scotland but spent much [...] Read more →

Travels by Narrowboat

Oh Glorious England, verdant fields and wandering canals…

In this wonderful series of videos, the CountryHouseGent takes the viewer along as he chugs up and down the many canals crisscrossing England in his classic Narrowboat. There is nothing like a free man charting his own destiny.

Classic Restoration of a Spring Tied Upholstered Chair


This video by AT Restoration is the best hands on video I have run across on the basics of classic upholstery. Watch a master at work. Simply amazing.


Round needles: Double pointed hand needle: Hand tools: Staple gun (for beginner): Compressor [...] Read more →

A History of the Use of Arsenicals in Man

The arsenicals (compounds which contain the heavy metal element arsenic, As) have a long history of use in man – with both benevolent and malevolent intent. The name ‘arsenic’ is derived from the Greek word ‘arsenikon’ which means ‘potent'”. As early as 2000 BC, arsenic trioxide, obtained from smelting copper, was used [...] Read more →

How Long is Your Yacht?

Dominion, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club,Winner of Seawanhaka Cup, 1898.

The Tail Wags the Dog.

The following is a characteristic sample of those broad and liberal views on yachting which are the pride of the Boston Herald. Speaking of the coming races for the Seawanhaka international challenge cup, it says:

[...] Read more →

Curing Diabetes With an Old Malaria Formula

For years in the West African nation of Ghana medicine men have used a root and leaves from a plant called nibima(Cryptolepis sanguinolenta) to kill the Plasmodium parasite transmitted through a female mosquito’s bite that is the root cause of malaria. A thousand miles away in India, a similar(same) plant [...] Read more →

Money Saving Recipe for Gold Leaf Sizing

Artisans world-wide spend a fortune on commercial brand oil-based gold leaf sizing. The most popular brands include Luco, Dux, and L.A. Gold Leaf. Pricing for quart size containers range from $35 to $55 depending upon retailer pricing.

Fast drying sizing sets up in 2-4 hours depending upon environmental conditions, humidity [...] Read more →

Snipe Shooting

Snipe shooting-Epistle on snipe shooting, from Ned Copper Cap, Esq., to George Trigger-George Trigger’s reply to Ned Copper Cap-Black partridge.


“Si sine amore jocisque Nil est jucundum, vivas in &more jooisque.” -Horace. “If nothing appears to you delightful without love and sports, then live in sporta and [...] Read more →

Peach Brandy


2 gallons + 3 quarts boiled water 3 qts. peaches, extremely ripe 3 lemons, cut into sections 2 sm. pkgs. yeast 10 lbs. sugar 4 lbs. dark raisins

Place peaches, lemons and sugar in crock. Dissolve yeast in water (must NOT be to hot). Stir thoroughly. Stir daily for 7 days. Keep [...] Read more →

Abingdon, Berkshire in the Year of 1880

St.Helen’s on the Thames, photo by Momit


From a Dictionary of the Thames from Oxford to the Nore. 1880 by Charles Dickens

Abingdon, Berkshire, on the right bank, from London 103 3/4miles, from Oxford 7 3/4 miles. A station on the Great Western Railway, from Paddington 60 miles. The time occupied [...] Read more →

The Hoochie Coochie Hex

From Dr. Marvel’s 1929 book entitled Hoodoo for the Common Man, we find his infamous Hoochie Coochie Hex.

What follows is a verbatim transcription of the text:

The Hoochie Coochie Hex should not be used in conjunction with any other Hexes. This can lead to [...] Read more →

Napoleon’s Pharmacists


Of the making of books about Napoleon there is no end, and the centenary of his death (May 5) is not likely to pass without adding to the number, but a volume on Napoleon”s pharmacists still awaits treatment by the student in this field of historical research. There [...] Read more →

Public Attitudes Towards Speculation

Reprint from The Pitfalls of Speculation by Thomas Gibson 1906 Ed.


THE public attitude toward speculation is generally hostile. Even those who venture frequently are prone to speak discouragingly of speculative possibilities, and to point warningly to the fact that an overwhelming majority [...] Read more →

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Officers and men of the 13th Light Dragoons, British Army, Crimea. Rostrum photograph of photographer’s original print, uncropped and without color correction. Survivors of the Charge.

Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. “Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the [...] Read more →

Thomas Jefferson Correspondence – On Seed Saving and Sharing

The following are transcripts of two letters written by the Founding Father Thomas Jefferson on the subject of seed saving.

“November 27, 1818. Monticello. Thomas Jefferson to Henry E. Watkins, transmitting succory seed and outlining the culture of succory.” [Transcript] Thomas Jefferson Correspondence Collection Collection 89

Seeds for Rootstocks of Fruit and Nut Trees

Citrus Fruit Culture

THE PRINCIPAL fruit and nut trees grown commercially in the United States (except figs, tung, and filberts) are grown as varieties or clonal lines propagated on rootstocks.

Almost all the rootstocks are grown from seed. The resulting seedlings then are either budded or grafted with propagating wood [...] Read more →

The Fowling Piece – Part I

THE FOWLING PIECE, from the Shooter’s Guide by B. Thomas – 1811.

I AM perfectly aware that a large volume might be written on this subject; but, as my intention is to give only such information and instruction as is necessary for the sportsman, I shall forbear introducing any extraneous [...] Read more →

David Starkey: Britain’s Last Great Historian

Dr. David Starkey, the UK’s premiere historian, speaks to the modern and fleeting notion of “cancel culture”. Starkey’s brilliance is unparalleled and it has become quite obvious to the world’s remaining Western scholars willing to stand on intellectual integrity that a few so-called “Woke Intellectuals” most certainly cannot undermine [...] Read more →