The Stock Exchange Specialist

New York Stock Exchange Floor September 26,1963

The Specialist as a member of a stock exchange has two functions.’ He must execute orders which other members of an exchange may leave with him when the current market price is away from the price of the orders. By executing these orders on behalf of the other exchange members when the market price reaches the price stated on these orders, the specialist makes it possible for these members to perform their business elsewhere on the Floor. In handling these orders, the specialist acts as broker or agent. In addition to the brokerage functions, however, he has historically had the additional function of acting as dealer or principal for his own account. Under current rules and regulations of the exchanges and the Securities and Exchange Commission, purchases and sales for his own account must be made, insofar as reasonably practicable, with a view to assuring a fair and orderly market in the stocks which he services. Moreover, whenever there are public buyers but no public sellers, or public sellers but no public buyers, he is expected, within reasonable limits, to buy or sell for his own account in order to decrease price differences between transactions and to add depth to the market. He performs both functions for a limited number of issues assigned to him by the stock exchange.


In 1935 the Twentieth Century Fund’s study of the securities market concluded that: Specialists, as well as other exchange members, should be permitted to function either as traders or as brokers, but not as both. . . .No specialist, or other broker, should be permitted to have any interest in any trading account, pool, syndicate, underwriting operation or option!

The Fund’s basis for this conclusion was its belief that “the services rendered by the specialist are not of sufficient value to warrant the continuation of a condition where a small group of persons is given a preferred position in the market.”

One year later the Securities and Exchange Commission in studying the same system reached the conclusion that insufficient data had been presented to justify the segregation of functions.’ In 1941 Professor Vernon, then a member of the Commission staff, suggested an alternative to considering the specialist in terms of his general beneficial or detrimental effect on the market as both the Twentieth Century Fund and Segregation Report had done. He stated that the feasibility of regulating the specialist should be viewed in terms giving recognition to the possibility that his job may vary in different types of stocks . . . .The dealer role of specialists may be necessary and justifiable for one set of stocks, providing sufficient grounds for overlooking his advantage over the public as a dealer in such issues, while his dealer position in another group of stocks runs contrary to the public interest In actively traded issues where a sufficient number of buyers and sellers exists to assure a continuous market with each sale price related to the prior sale, Vernon reasoned, little justification for the specialist function exists. He recognized the need for greater study to effectively develop such segmented rules regulating the specialist’s activity.

Little was written on the specialist system in the exhaustive manner of the Twentieth Century Fund, the Segregation Report, and Vernon’s book until 1963 when the Commission’s Special Study reported that “in its present form, [the specialist system] appears to be an essential mechanism for maintaining continuous auction markets and, in broad terms, appears to be serving its purposes satisfactorily.”‘ With the adoption of rule 1 lb-110 which recognized both the dealer and broker functions of the specialist, the issue seemed finally settled, at least from a legal standpoint, that the specialist system’s beneficial effects surpassed any defects.


Several important questions should be examined to acquire an understanding of the economic motivations -present in the specialist system and of the impact of the specialist on market prices. To what extent is the specialist’s monopolistic, or oligopolistic power to administer the price of his specialty stock limited by his obligation to maintain a fair and orderly market? Can a specialist be a speculator and still meet this obligation? What do the terms “fair market” and “orderly market” mean?

In any economic categorization of the specialist’s function, the specialist’s position as the price administrator of his specialty stock requires analysis. To the extent that he is a sole” price administrator, he may be considered a monopolist Professor Baumol comments that “the specialist must be treated not as a competitor, but, on the contrary (at least for a narrow ‘normal’ price range) as a price administering monopolist or oligopolist.”‘ In part his conclusion depends on the assertion that the specialist knows the demand and supply curves through his “book” and can “choose to end up at the spot which is most favorable to him from among all the points that constitute the market’s offer curve.”‘

Any economic analysis of the specialist’s role must also consider the obligations of the specialist both under the securities laws and the applicable rules of the stock exchanges. While economic theory is practically limited by the specialist’s legal obligation, that theory should be influential in interpreting or formulating particular rules within the legal framework. Since obligations may differ as the time period is lengthened, the specialist’s economic role can be classified into three time periods: short, intermediate, and long run. The unique nature of the specialist’s function suggests a fourth classification-sudden price fluctuations.

While the latter category generally occurs within the short run, it warrants special attention because it involves unique legal and economic considerations.

Short Run

The primary emphasis on the role of the specialist has always been on his short run” value to the market.6 He is obligated to reduce temporary disparities between supply and demand in order to facilitate a fair and orderly market. However, the meaning of “temporary disparities” is unclear, since the time duration of the specialist’s short run obligation may depend upon the particular facts of the situation. Arguably, in certain instances, his obligation may be for only a few hours or less if his economic capability as a dealer is threatened by a deluge of orders. Thus the specialist’s obligation to maintain a fair and orderly market is limited in the sense that no one expects him to go bankrupt performing his daily duties. His monopolist’s or oligopolist’s role is further limited since the direction in which he is obligated to administer the price of his specialty stock is against the market trend.

To evaluate the specialist’s performance the NYSE uses the “tick test” to determine if he is acting to maintain a fair and orderly market. By this test, specialist purchases below and sales above the last different price are deemed stablizing and therefore proper.”

The specialist has a certain amount of discretion in exercising his short run obligation. In some situations, he has no choice but to enter the market as dealer and consequently is obliged to be a price administrator.

Other situations, however, do not necessarily require his entry into the market nor do they foreclose his participation. For example, if the highest bid on the “book” is for 100 shares at 20 and the lowest public offer is at 20 3/8, the specialist might in certain cases have discretion to either place his own bid or withhold himself from the market. If the situation were changed so that the lowest offer was at 24, making the spread four points, the specialist would be obliged to enter the market as dealer. In this instance he would be required to administer the price of the stock. But depending on numerous considerations including the last sale price of the stock, competition from both regional stock exchanges and the third market, and volatility of the stock, he has a certain amount of discretion in determining how to enter the market-as a bidder, offeror, or both-and at what price. Hence, even when he is under an obligation to administer the price of the stock, the manner in which he exercises this obligation is somewhat discretionary so long as his action ultimately promotes a fair and orderly market.

It should be noted that while many monopolists and oligopolists are regulated as to the price they may charge, the specialist, because of the very nature of the “free market'” could not be so regulated.

In considering the specialist’s short run value to the market, a problem arises in determining when “temporary disparities between supply and demand” cease to be temporary. The answer arguably appears after the situation has occurred, making the short run obligation as nebulous as the actions of market prices themselves.

Sudden Price Changes

The possibility of sudden large shifts in market prices provides a major justification for the specialist’s existence.

The shift may result on an individual stock-by-stock basis due to a public announcement by management or from a sudden rise or decline in the general market. While suspension of trading in the specialist’s stock or in all stocks will release the specialist from his obligation, 9 a considerable economic dislocation will undoubtedly occur between the influx of orders and the eventual suspension of trading. In the interim the specialist is expected to add depth and liquidity to a market which would otherwise be devoid of these characteristics. In two previous sharp declines specialists have been net purchasers, but their participation probably depended not only upon their obligation but upon their economic outlook. Although specialists were net buyers immediately after President Eisenhower’s heart attack and during the sharp market decline of May 28, 1962, their stabilization effect on these two occasions differed greatly.

According to the Special Study, one reason for the lack of substantial purchases by the specialists on May 28 was their belief that this decline was non-temporary in nature!’ The stabilizing effect of the specialists on May 28 was widely publicized by the NYSE, implying that at least the Exchange felt that most specialists had met their obligations n The emphasis placed on net purchases by both the NYSE and the Special Study indicates that the characterization of the specialist as a stabilizing monopolist or oligopolist definitely includes the daily periods of sudden price movement. The extent to which the specialist must meet this obligation is difficult to determine; numerous factors including his capital status must be considered. The Special Study commented; “Obviously, no one person has the capital to stem a selling wave such as that of May 28, but with his central location, the specialist is in a position to cushion the public’s selling by giving depth to the markets.

The Intermediate and Long Run

The specialist’s obligation to stabilize the market is reduced as the long run is approached. Indeed, if such an obligation exists in the long run, the auction market would be a manipulated, rather than a free, market. The terms used to describe the specialist’s function-“fair and orderly market;” “temporary disparities between supply and demand;” “liquidity and continuity,—as well as the “tick test” and the limited capital requirement of the specialist place emphasis on the specialist’s economic role over the short run.

Regardless of the duration of the specialist’s obligation, economic .analysis of the specialist’s role must necessarily consider Congress’ two basic aims that the stock market be “fair” and “orderly.”‘

Professor Vernon commented:

  1. A “fair” market . . . bears the connotation of a market in ,which the individual investor need not fear for the integrity of his broker, the safety of his funds, or the possibility that price movements are being artificially controlled.
  2. An “orderly” market is regarded as one in which there are no “sudden and unreasonable fluctuations in the prices of securities” and consequently a market which makes no unnecessary adverse contribution to the stability and well-being of the public at large. The two major functions of regulation, therefore, are carefully distinguished; the goal of fairness, directed primarily at the protection of the individual, may be looked upon as something in the nature of a police function, while the “orderly market” aim, an aim intended to benefit the general public interest, is more suggestive of the use by Government of economic controls.

Clearly, [orderly market] was intended in some way to represent a market which was free from “excessive speculation,” a type of speculation which, we are told, results “in sudden and unreasonable fluctuations in the prices of securities.”

No agreement exists concerning the effect of speculation on stock prices. Under one theory, the speculator stabilizes prices by purchasing or selling as necessary to move prices toward an equilibrium position. A contrary theory assumes that the speculator will continue to follow trends past the equilibrium. Under the latter hypothesis the mere presence of traders in the market can accentuate, rather than dampen, fluctuations.2 Thus generalities are not possible.

Not all speculators follow, or in the case of specialists, should be permitted to follow, a destabilizing pattern. The “bad” speculator aggravates price trends by going with the trend; the “good” speculator goes against the trend, thereby adding stability to the market.  The “bad” speculator may have prompted Congress’ adoption of the “orderly market” standard. To the extent that the specialist is not permitted to buy or sell except to promote a fair and orderly market, he is prevented, at least on a trade-by-trade basis, from being a “bad” speculator. Thus, the scope of his obligation under the applicable rules of his exchange and the obligation imposed by the 1934 Act and Commission rules thereunder are of importance in limiting instability due to speculation?

Some economists, including Professor Stigler, believe that the specialist’s ability to “predict changes in equilibrium prices, or, in other words, how closely does he keep bid and ask prices to the levels which in retrospect were correct” should be a criterion for judging his efficiency. To the extent specialists are able to estimate the future course of events they would “smooth the path of the price quotations.  Hence, the specialist’s own profit motive as a speculator, rather than any imposed obligation, would enable him to perform his economic and legal roles. Stigler further criticized the suspension of trading in a stock in an emergency situation, believing that the mechanics of speculation would work as effectively here as in a normal market.

Some disagreed with Stigler’s approach. Considering the proposed standard of market efficiency-the success of the speculator in judging changes in equilibrium prices-commentators argued that Stigler implicitly assumes that speculators do not affect equilibrium price, so that the existence of speculative profits is necessarily a reflection of the success of speculators in anticipating movements in equilibrium price . . . .This is a basic assumption . . . without justification . . . .There are both theoretical and empirical grounds for believing that the demand schedule of investors in the stock market is greatly influenced by price movements, so that speculators can profit substantially by trading actively which is destabilizing. For example, if speculators make heavy net purchases of a security in a period when its equilibrium price has risen moderately as a result of favorable financial news, their activity may drive the price much higher than it would otherwise have gone 3

Replying to this criticism, Stigler stated that he did consider the effect of the speculator’s activity by assuming “that the speculator’s balances are equal at the beginning and at the end of a speculative interval.”” The rebuttal to Stigler’s reply concluded that Stigler’s economic model “assumes that the equilibrium price of investors is not affected by price movements or by the speculator’s effects on such liquidity of the auction market in which specialists play a pivotal role. In this connection, they are considering an increased role for block positioning firms with specialists. In that case, the specialist rules which evolved to fit the needs of individuals may have to undergo profound changes to satisfy the new situation and the increasing role
of block positioners. Even if the exchanges succeed in their efforts to bring and keep blocks on the floor of the exchange, the changes in structure due to the growth of blocks may result in the growth of a situation which many feel currently exists-that is, two de facto separate markets, a negotiated market for blocks and the traditional specialist auction market for individuals.movements,” notwithstanding Stigler’s contrary assertion. Reference was again made to the substantial evidence indicating that the speculator could indeed aggravate price movements and thereby be destabilizing.

Reprint of The Stock Exchange Specialist: An Economic and Legal Analysis, by Nicholas Wolfson and Thomas A. Russo

Click here to read full copy with footnotes and sources.

Click here to learn how the Specialist system works in today’s modern markets.


Top of Pg.

Books of Use to the International Art Collector

Hebborn Piranesi

Before meeting with an untimely death at the hand of an unknown assassin in Rome on January 11th, 1996, master forger Eric Hebborn put down on paper a wealth of knowledge about the art of forgery. In a book published posthumously in 1997, titled The Art Forger’s Handbook, Hebborn suggests [...] Read more →

Country House Christmas Pudding

Country House Christmas Pudding


1 cup Christian Bros Brandy ½ cup Myer’s Dark Rum ½ cup Jim Beam Whiskey 1 cup currants 1 cup sultana raisins 1 cup pitted prunes finely chopped 1 med. apple peeled and grated ½ cup chopped dried apricots ½ cup candied orange peel finely chopped 1 ¼ cup [...] Read more →

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H. M. Scarth, Rector of Wrington

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Wine Making

Wine Making

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Tobacco as Medicine

The first published illustration of Nicotiana tabacum by Pena and De L’Obel, 1570–1571 (shrpium adversana nova: London).

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Target Practice

Nov. 12, 1898 Forest and Stream Pg. 396

The Veterans to the Front.

Ironton. O., Oct. 28.—Editor Forest and Stream: I mail you a target made here today by Messrs. E. Lawton, G. Rogers and R. S. Dupuy. Mr. Dupuy is seventy-four years old, Mr. Lawton seventy-two. Mr. Rogers [...] Read more →

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The Kalmar War

Wojna Kalmarska – 1611

The Kalmar War

From The Historian’s History of the World (In 25 Volumes) by Henry Smith William L.L.D. – Vol. XVI.(Scandinavia) Pg. 308-310

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The First Pineapple Grown in England

First Pineapple Grown in England

Click here to read an excellent article on the history of pineapple growing in the UK.

Should one be interested in serious mass scale production, click here for scientific resources.

Growing pineapples in the UK.

The video below demonstrates how to grow pineapples in Florida.

[...] Read more →

Beef Jerky



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Public Attitudes Towards Speculation

Reprint from The Pitfalls of Speculation by Thomas Gibson 1906 Ed.


THE public attitude toward speculation is generally hostile. Even those who venture frequently are prone to speak discouragingly of speculative possibilities, and to point warningly to the fact that an overwhelming majority [...] Read more →

Abingdon, Berkshire in the Year of 1880

St.Helen’s on the Thames, photo by Momit


From a Dictionary of the Thames from Oxford to the Nore. 1880 by Charles Dickens

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Stoke Park – Granted by King Charles I

Stoke Park Pavillions


Stoke Park Pavilions, UK, view from A405 Road. photo by Wikipedia user Cj1340


From Wikipedia:

Stoke Park – the original house

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On Bernini’s Bust of a Stewart King

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The appreciation of art as well as of history which is entertained by the average member of the [...] Read more →

Commercial Tuna Salad Recipe

Tom Oates, aka Nabokov at en.wikipedia

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Origin of the Apothecary


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Country Cabbage and Pea Soup

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Fresh Water Angling – The Two Crappies


July 2, 1898 Forest and Stream,

Fresh-Water Angling. No. IX.—The Two Crappies. BY FRED MATHER.

Fishing In Tree Tops.

Here a short rod, say 8ft., is long enough, and the line should not be much longer than the rod. A reel is not [...] Read more →

Shooting in Wet Weather


Reprint from The Sportsman’s Cabinet and Town and Country Magazine, Vol I. Dec. 1832, Pg. 94-95

To the Editor of the Cabinet.


Possessing that anxious feeling so common among shooters on the near approach of the 12th of August, I honestly confess I was not able [...] Read more →

Proper Wines to Serve with Food

Foie gras with Sauternes, Photo by Laurent Espitallier

As an Appetizer

Pale dry Sherry, with or without bitters, chilled or not. Plain or mixed Vermouth, with or without bitters. A dry cocktail.

With Oysters, Clams or Caviar

A dry flinty wine such as Chablis, Moselle, Champagne. Home Top of [...] Read more →

A Few Wine Recipes

EIGHTEEN GALLONS is here give as a STANDARD for all the following Recipes, it being the most convenient size cask to Families. See A General Process for Making Wine

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Roger Scruton by Peter Helm

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or Click here to watch

[...] Read more →

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Making Apple Cider Vinegar

The greatest cause of failure in vinegar making is carelessness on the part of the operator. Intelligent separation should be made of the process into its various steps from the beginning to end.


The apples should be clean and ripe. If not clean, undesirable fermentations [...] Read more →

Valentine Poetry from the Cotswold Explorer


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Rendering Amber Clear for Use in Lens-Making for Magnifying Glass

by John Partridge,drawing,1825

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Coffee & Cigarettes

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Cleaner for Gilt Picture Frames

Cleaner for Gilt Frames.

Calcium hypochlorite…………..7 oz. Sodium bicarbonate……………7 oz. Sodium chloride………………. 2 oz. Distilled water…………………12 oz.


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Blunderbuss Mai Tai Recipe

Blackbeard’s Jolly Roger

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The Clermont Club

Reprint from London Bisnow/UK

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Mrs. Beeton’s Poultry & Game – Choosing Poultry

To Choose Poultry.

When fresh, the eyes should be clear and not sunken, the feet limp and pliable, stiff dry feet being a sure indication that the bird has not been recently killed; the flesh should be firm and thick and if the bird is plucked there should be no [...] Read more →

Looking for a Gift for the Book Collector in the Family?

Buying a book for a serious collector with refined tastes can be a daunting task.

However, there is one company that publishes some of the finest reproduction books in the world, books that most collectors wouldn’t mind having in their collection no matter their general preference or specialty.

A Couple of Classic Tennessee Squirrel Recipes


3-4 Young Squirrels, dressed and cleaned 1 tsp. Morton Salt or to taste 1 tsp. McCormick Black Pepper or to taste 1 Cup Martha White All Purpose Flour 1 Cup Hog Lard – Preferably fresh from hog killing, or barbecue table

Cut up three to [...] Read more →

The Apparatus of the Stock Market


The components of any given market place include both physical structures set up to accommodate trading, and participants to include buyers, sellers, brokers, agents, barkers, pushers, auctioneers, agencies, and propaganda outlets, and banking or transaction exchange facilities.

Markets are generally set up by sellers as it is in their [...] Read more →

Popular Mechanics Archive

Click here to access the Internet Archive of old Popular Mechanics Magazines – 1902-2016

Click here to view old Popular Mechanics Magazine Covers

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Art Fraud

A la Russie, aux ânes et aux autres – by Chagall – 1911

Marc Chagall is one of the most forged artists on the planet. Mark Rothko fakes also abound. According to available news reports, the art market is littered with forgeries of their work. Some are even thought to be [...] Read more →

Cocktails and Canapés

From The How and When, An Authoritative reference reference guide to the origin, use and classification of the world’s choicest vintages and spirits by Hyman Gale and Gerald F. Marco. The Marco name is of a Chicago family that were involved in all aspects of the liquor business and ran Marco’s Bar [...] Read more →

Furniture Polishing Cream

Furniture Polishing Cream.

Animal oil soap…………………….1 onuce Solution of potassium hydroxide…. .5 ounces Beeswax……………………………1 pound Oil of turpentine…………………..3 pints Water, enough to make……………..5 pints

Dissolve the soap in the lye with the aid of heat; add this solution all at once to the warm solution of the wax in the oil. Beat [...] Read more →

Thomas Jefferson Correspondence – On Seed Saving and Sharing

The following are transcripts of two letters written by the Founding Father Thomas Jefferson on the subject of seed saving.

“November 27, 1818. Monticello. Thomas Jefferson to Henry E. Watkins, transmitting succory seed and outlining the culture of succory.” [Transcript] Thomas Jefferson Correspondence Collection Collection 89

A Creative Approach to Saving Ye Olde Cassette Tapes

Quite possibly, the most agonizing decision being made by Baby Boomers across the nation these days is what to do with all that vintage Hi-fi equipment and boxes full of classic rock and roll cassettes and 8-Tracks.

I faced this dilemma head-on this past summer as I definitely wanted in [...] Read more →

Mudlark Regulations in the U.K.

Mudlarks of London

Mudlarking along the Thames River foreshore is controlled by the Port of London Authority.

According to the Port of London website, two type of permits are issued for those wishing to conduct metal detecting, digging, or searching activities.

Standard – allows digging to a depth of 7.5 [...] Read more →

A History of Fowling – Ravens and Jays

From A History of Fowling, Being an Account of the Many Curios Devices by Which Wild Birds are, or Have Been, Captured in Different Parts of the World by Rev. H.A. MacPherson, M.A.

THE RAVEN (Corvus corax) is generally accredited with a large endowment of mother wit. Its warning [...] Read more →

Chantry Chapels

William Wyggeston’s chantry house, built around 1511, in Leicester: The building housed two priests, who served at a chantry chapel in the nearby St Mary de Castro church. It was sold as a private dwelling after the dissolution of the chantries.

A Privately Built Chapel

Chantry, chapel, generally within [...] Read more →

The Intaglio Processes for Audubon’s Birds of America

Notes on the intaglio processes of the most expensive book on birds available for sale in the world today.

The Audubon prints in “The Birds of America” were all made from copper plates utilizing four of the so called “intaglio” processes, engraving, etching, aquatint, and drypoint. Intaglio [...] Read more →

The Shirk – An Old but Familiar Phenomena


THE shirk is a well-known specimen of the genus homo. His habitat is offices, stores, business establishments of all kinds. His habits are familiar to us, but a few words on the subject will not be amiss. The shirk usually displays activity when the boss is around, [...] Read more →

Christmas Pudding with Dickens

Traditional British Christmas Pudding Recipe by Pen Vogler from the Charles Dickens Museum


85 grams all purpose flour pinch of salt 170 grams Beef Suet 140 grams brown sugar tsp. mixed spice, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, &c 170 grams bread crumbs 170 grams raisins 170 grams currants 55 grams cut mixed peel Gram to [...] Read more →

Chinese 9 Course Dinner

The following recipes form the most popular items in a nine-course dinner program:


Soak one pound bird’s nest in cold water overnight. Drain the cold water and cook in boiling water. Drain again. Do this twice. Clean the bird’s nest. Be sure [...] Read more →

The Human Seasons

John Keats

Four Seasons fill the measure of the year; There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his lusty spring, when fancy clear Takes in all beauty with an easy span; He has his Summer, when luxuriously Spring’s honied cud of youthful thoughts he loves To ruminate, and by such [...] Read more →

The American Museum in Britain – From Florida to Bath

Hernando de Soto (c1496-1542) Spanish explorer and his men torturing natives of Florida in his determination to find gold. Hand-coloured engraving. John Judkyn Memorial Collection, Freshford Manor, Bath

The print above depicts Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto and his band of conquistadors torturing Florida natives in order to extract information on where [...] Read more →

Carpenters’ Furniture

IT requires a far search to gather up examples of furniture really representative in this kind, and thus to gain a point of view for a prospect into the more ideal where furniture no longer is bought to look expensively useless in a boudoir, but serves everyday and commonplace need, such as [...] Read more →

The Snipe

THE SNIPE, from the Shooter’s Guide by B. Thomas – 1811

AFTER having given a particular description of the woodcock, it will only. be necessary to observe, that the plumage and shape of the snipe is much the same ; and indeed its habits and manners sets bear a great [...] Read more →

A Cure for Distemper in Dogs


The following cure was found written on a front flyleaf in an 1811 3rd Ed. copy of The Sportsman’s Guide or Sportsman’s Companion: Containing Every Possible Instruction for the Juvenille Shooter, Together with Information Necessary for the Experienced Sportsman by B. Thomas.



Vaccinate your dogs when young [...] Read more →

King James Bible – Knights Templar Edition

Full Cover, rear, spine, and front

Published by Piranesi Press in collaboration with Country House Essays, this beautiful paperback version of the King James Bible is now available for $79.95 at Barnes and

This is a limited Edition of 500 copies Worldwide. Click here to view other classic books [...] Read more →

Banana Propagation

Banana Propagation

Reprinted from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (

The traditional means of obtaining banana planting material (“seed”) is to acquire suckers from one’s own banana garden, from a neighbor, or from a more distant source. This method served to spread common varieties around the world and to multiply them [...] Read more →

Slaughter in Bombay

From Allen’s Indian Mail, December 3rd, 1851


On the evening of November 15th, the little village of Mahim was the scene of a murder, perhaps the most determined which has ever stained the annals of Bombay. Three men were massacred in cold blood, in a house used [...] Read more →

The Cremation of Sam McGee

Robert W. Service (b.1874, d.1958)


There are strange things done in the midnight sun By the men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tales That would make your blood run cold; The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, But the queerest they ever did see Was that night [...] Read more →

Cleaning Watch Chains

To Clean Watch Chains.

Gold or silver watch chains can be cleaned with a very excellent result, no matter whether they may be matt or polished, by laying them for a few seconds in pure aqua ammonia; they are then rinsed in alcohol, and finally. shaken in clean sawdust, free from sand. [...] Read more →

Copper Kills Covid-19 and the Sun is Your Friend

The element copper effectively kills viruses and bacteria.

Therefore it would reason and I will assert and not only assert but lay claim to the patents for copper mesh stints to be inserted in the arteries of patients presenting with severe cases of Covid-19 with a slow release dosage of [...] Read more →

The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing

The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing Experimental Study and Review of the Literature

Steven L. Henry, MD, Matthew J. Concannon, MD, and Gloria J. Yee, MD Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Missouri Hospital & Clinics, Columbia, MO Published July 25, 2008

Objective: Magnets [...] Read more →

Horn Measurement

Jul. 23, 1898 Forest and Stream, Pg. 65

Horn Measurements.

Editor Forest and Stream: “Record head.” How shamefully this term is being abused, especially in the past three years; or since the giant moose from Alaska made his appearance in public and placed all former records (so far as [...] Read more →

Napoleon’s Pharmacists


Of the making of books about Napoleon there is no end, and the centenary of his death (May 5) is not likely to pass without adding to the number, but a volume on Napoleon”s pharmacists still awaits treatment by the student in this field of historical research. There [...] Read more →

JP Morgan’s Digital Currency Patent Application

J.P. Morgan Patent #8,452,703

Method and system for processing internet payments using the electronic funds transfer network.


Embodiments of the invention include a method and system for conducting financial transactions over a payment network. The method may include associating a payment address of an account [...] Read more →

Historical Uses of Arsenic

The arsenicals (compounds which contain the heavy metal element arsenic, As) have a long history of use in man – with both benevolent and malevolent intent. The name ‘arsenic’ is derived from the Greek word ‘arsenikon’ which means ‘potent'”. As early as 2000 BC, arsenic trioxide, obtained from smelting copper, was used [...] Read more →

Harry Houdini Investigates the Spirit World

The magician delighted in exposing spiritualists as con men and frauds.

By EDMUND WILSON June 24, 1925

Houdini is a short strong stocky man with small feet and a very large head. Seen from the stage, his figure, with its short legs and its pugilist’s proportions, is less impressive than at close [...] Read more →

Carpet Cleaner Formulae

The Ardabil Carpet – Made in the town of Ardabil in north-west Iran, the burial place of Shaykh Safi al-Din Ardabili, who died in 1334. The Shaykh was a Sufi leader, ancestor of Shah Ismail, founder of the Safavid dynasty (1501-1722). While the exact origins of the carpet are unclear, it’s believed to have [...] Read more →

The Field of the Cloth of Gold

Reprint from the Royal Collection Trust Website

The meeting between Henry VIII and Francis I, known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold, took place between 7 to 24 June 1520 in a valley subsequently called the Val d’Or, near Guisnes to the south of Calais. The [...] Read more →

The English Tradition of Woodworking

THE sense of a consecutive tradition has so completely faded out of English art that it has become difficult to realise the meaning of tradition, or the possibility of its ever again reviving; and this state of things is not improved by the fact that it is due to uncertainty of purpose, [...] Read more →

Arsenic and Old Lace

What is follows is an historical article that appeared in The Hartford Courant in 1916 about the arsenic murders carried out by Mrs. Archer-Gilligan. This story is the basis for the 1944 Hollywood film “Arsenic and Old Lace” starring Cary Grant and Priscilla Lane and directed by Frank Capra. The [...] Read more →

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika


Translated into English by PANCHAM SINH

Panini Office, Allahabad [1914]


There exists at present a good deal of misconception with regard to the practices of the Haṭha Yoga. People easily believe in the stories told by those who themselves [...] Read more →

English Fig Wine

Take the large blue figs when pretty ripe, and steep them in white wine, having made some slits in them, that they may swell and gather in the substance of the wine.

Then slice some other figs and let them simmer over a fire in water until they are reduced [...] Read more →

Bess of Hardwick: Four Times a Lady

Bess of Harwick

Four times the nuptial bed she warm’d, And every time so well perform’d, That when death spoil’d each husband’s billing, He left the widow every shilling. Fond was the dame, but not dejected; Five stately mansions she erected With more than royal pomp, to vary The prison of her captive When [...] Read more →

Clairvoyance – Methods of Development


by C. W. Leadbeater

Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Pub. House



When a men becomes convinced of the reality of the valuable power of clairvoyance, his first question usually is, “How can [...] Read more →

Of the Room and Furniture

Crewe Hall Dining Room


THE transient tenure that most of us have in our dwellings, and the absorbing nature of the struggle that most of us have to make to win the necessary provisions of life, prevent our encouraging the manufacture of well-wrought furniture.

We mean to outgrow [...] Read more →

A Summer Memory


Here, where these low lush meadows lie, We wandered in the summer weather, When earth and air and arching sky, Blazed grandly, goldenly together.

And oft, in that same summertime, We sought and roamed these self-same meadows, When evening brought the curfew chime, And peopled field and fold with shadows.

I mind me [...] Read more →

How to Distinguish Fishes


Sept. 3, 1898. Forest and Stream Pg. 188-189

How to Distinguish Fishes.

BY FRED MATHER. The average angler knows by sight all the fish which he captures, but ask him to describe one and he is puzzled, and will get off on the color of the fish, which is [...] Read more →

Curing Diabetes With an Old Malaria Formula

For years in the West African nation of Ghana medicine men have used a root and leaves from a plant called nibima(Cryptolepis sanguinolenta) to kill the Plasmodium parasite transmitted through a female mosquito’s bite that is the root cause of malaria. A thousand miles away in India, a similar(same) plant [...] Read more →